
to have a career that offers you more time, money, and energy in your everyday life? Heck yeah!

wouldn't it feel

Are you a teacher that is constantly feeling...

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After years of trying to stick it out for the kids and believing that “next year will be better,” you’re finally ready to reclaim your identity and write the next chapter of your story. 

Because listen friend, life is way too short to “wait for summer break” or to even live another day going into a job where you’re not being treated + compensated the way you should be. It’s time to take matters into your own hands and do something you probably have never done before– Put yourself first. 

The path to a better, more free life is right in front of you. You just have to choose it.

and need to reclaim your purpose in life. 

Teaching is your passion, but you are tired of everything it comes with

Here’s the reality. . . 

As A New Virtual Assistant

on how to land clients

Psssttt... IT'S FREE! Save your seat in the next masterclass by clicking below.



Unlock my 4


Psssttt... IT'S FREE! Save your seat in the next masterclass by clicking below.

Free Tips!

On How To Land Clients As A New Virtual Assistant

Unlock My 4 Best Strategies

Teaching is your passion and you’re nervous to leave the job you’ve put your whole heart into

You’re mentally and physically exhausted but don’t want to give up on your students and your team

You work so incredibly hard just to be met with disrespect by students, parents, and possibly even colleagues

You worked tirelessly to get your degree in education and feel like no other job would suit your skills

You know teaching isn’t your forever career, but are scared to admit that to yourself

I’m guessing this sounds familiar… 

the problem

Teaching was my childhood dream. I had a fire in my heart to become the educator who made learning fun, ensured students felt loved, and made a lasting impact on the kids, the school, and the system.

People always told me that teaching was going to be difficult, but I had no idea it would completely strip me of my own identity. I had no time for my family. I didn’t make an effort to see my friends. I gave up my hobbies and stopped taking care of my body. If I wasn’t teaching, I was lesson planning, prepping, grading, or simply resting to have some fuel for the upcoming week.

When I decided to look into other avenues as I entered my sixth year in education, I found myself having a hard time connecting with any career outside of teaching. Real Estate was too competitive, corporate sounded too bland, and Lord knows I wasn’t about to become an administrator. 

That’s when I came across Virtual Assistance. A career that allowed me the freedom to live my life fully and happily. It was the best decision I ever made, and now I’m honored to help other burnt-out teachers do the same thing. 

I went from Teacher Of The Year to leaving teaching mid-year.

My Journey



You can be great at something and still choose to not do it forever. 

Feel confident taking the leap out of teaching by starting your career as a thriving Virtual Assistant

A complete, step-by-step guide to building your own, successful Virtual Assistant business

your answer to a better and more freeing life


here's what we'll cover

What's inside

Discover who your ideal client is + how to grab their attention

Attracting clients 


Understand different services VA’s offer + who they help 

What is Virtual Assistance


Why virtual assistance is perfect for teachers



We’ll walk through how to build a beautiful website that reflects your brand together 

Building your website


How to create branding that sticks out while keeping it unique to you

Building your brand


From creating your business name to making things official, we’ll cover it all 

All things legal 


Be ready + look professional when your first client books with you! I’ll show you everything you need 

Getting Documents Prepared 


Learn how to build your audience + engagement by using my best tips and tricks 

Creating a Discoverable Instagram 


Using Honeybook, I’ll show you how to build and manage your client portals 

Building your CRM 


Now that you’ve landed your first client, I’ll tell you what you need to do to make an impeccable first impression in your new partnership 

Landing Your First Client


After hearing from potential clients, I’ll help you prepare for what to say in your discovery calls that’ll help you decide whether or not it’s a good fit 

Discovery Calls 


I’m spilling the tea on my most effective strategies for landing high-ticket clients 

Reaching + Landing Clients


Confused on how to do something? You’ll likely find the “how to” in here!



Now that you’ve built your business to the successful company that it is, I’ll send you off with some last pieces of advice

Sending You Off 


Landing clients is only the first step to the equation. Now, you have to prove to them that you’re a value to their company

Maintaining client retention + relationships 


Olivia P.

Taking the leap of faith to walk away for myself and future family is so hard, but this course has given me the confidence to do so. I have gained skills I never knew I could have and I have created something from the ground up that I am so proud of. Rachel has put hours and so much hard work before us that you can be up and running so fast.

This investment is worth every penny and you quickly see that when you start the course.

Jenn H.

Everything that was put out for Educator's Exit drew me in. I just felt like Rachel was legit. I sat for awhile debating to take the course and I finally just went for it. And even while I was debating, she continued to message me and help me feel good about my decision. I finished in about a month and launched fully after that. Got my first client a week later! Don’t debate, just do it!!

I landed my first client 1 week after launching!

Courtney M.

Rachel encouraged me and took the time to really give me all of the details for starting my virtual assistance business. I left the corporate world with ease, knowing that my career will take a turn for the better. The content provided by Rachel is very thorough and easy to understand which leaves you feeling like you made the best transition. Knowing that I used to work Monday through Friday 8 to 5 and now I only work a few hours a week making double my salary is wild, and I give all the credit to Rachel!

Thanks for Rachel. I get to live a life of freedom! 

Kelly c.

This course is everything, and more, that I have searched for online and haven't been able to find! The attention to detail in this course and the step-by-step process is nothing that you will be able to find anywhere else. Rachel does an amazing job of giving you an array options for ALL the things for what works for you. This course will set you up for success! 

This course is like nothing you will be able to find anywhere else

Lauren W.

Rachel and I connected when I was first beginning my journey as a Virtual Assistant, and she truly came into my life at such a perfect time! Rachel guided me in learning how to begin my business with finding resources, providing her knowledge and skills in how to market myself and how to gain that confidence I needed to continue making leaps in my business. I am so grateful for her support, guidance, and complete kindness in showing me all that I can do in a VA business!

I am so grateful for her support, guidance, and complete kindness

Sarah Z.

Once I started watching and completing the action steps I got so excited and kept watching/working. I am only on module 6 and I feel like I have taken so many steps to making this dream a reality! Before you released this course I kept saying "I need to do that or think about this' to become a VA...Just from starting your course last night, I have done many of those 'need to or think about' tasks!! You have outlined the process in manageable steps!! 

So far this has been EXACTLY what I have needed to jump start my VA career.


You really know how to split the module videos in the perfect sections. I flew through the first two modules quickly because I was so engaged and eager to know and learn more. I love how it’s like you can read my mind and that you have been where I have been and completely understand me as a teacher.

I love how easy the course is to follow along.

Chelsea T.

Wow, where to begin! It’s clear that Rachel has taken the time to really think about this course and all it has to offer. It’s geared toward teachers, but anyone would benefit. The sequence of modules, the content within each module, and the resources are unmatched. She’s a gem and I look forward to what she has to offer next!

I would not be where I am with my business without Rachel!

Course FAQs

more information

How long will the course take to get through?

This is a self-paced course, so it completely depends on how much time you have to dedicate to it each day. Overall, it could take as little as 2-3 weeks or as long as a few months. It’s built so you can use it in the way that makes most sense for you!

Can I become a Virtual Assistant on the side of teaching?

Absolutely! The great thing about Virtual Assistance is that you can take on as much or as little work as you’d like. 

Can I take this course even if I’m not a teacher?

Sure can! Although I talk about teaching a bit throughout the course, it is applicable to anyone that is interested in becoming a Virtual Assistant!

What support is offered throughout the course?

Listen, you’re NOT doing this alone! You can email my team at if you ever have any questions or need additional help. We’re here for you! Also, our Facebook group is a great way to connect with other students & get the support you need!

What is the refund policy?

We want to make sure we're on the same page, every step of the way. If you don't land your first client within 60 days of completing the course, you are eligible for a refund. We encourage that you check out our Terms & Conditions page, which includes important details such as the refund policy. 

Beautiful, pre-made templates

Exclusive deals + discounts for necessary websites

Pre-made proposal, contract + invoice

5 day / week email support

Monthly community coaching calls

3-month FREE access to exclusive Facebook community

Snag These Amazing Bonuses!

Bonus deals, templates + tools

for Free!

Join the Educator’s Exit community and receive all of these

Add a little bit of *spice*

We're doing this together, teacher friend!

Everything we do within this course is somehow drawn back to how you can use your skills as an educator throughout this new endeavor in Virtual Assistance.

Additionally, I've found that so many courses keep things too basic, and just tell you what to do.

But in Educator's Exit, I show you exactly how to do it, step by step. From building your website to setting up your systems, I'm making sure you're not having to figure it all out on your own. 

This is a course built by a teacher, for teachers.

This isn't just

any course...

To be eligible for the 60-day refund, students must meet specific criteria, including completing the course content, worksheets, and actively implementing suggested steps. The refund request process involves submitting a form with required documentation, and approved refunds will be processed within 30 days. We encourage active engagement with our course content and may deny refunds that don't meet the outlined criteria. 

or get your money back!

Land Your First Client Within 60 Days


Mark today’s date in your calendar, bestie.
It’s the first day of your best journey.

Let’s pick up that pencil and start writing the next chapter to your bigger + better story with Educator’s Exit 

You’re gonna kill it

You don't have basic tech skills 

You need to be working around others 

You don't want to be your own boss 

You aren't familiar with social media 

NOT For You If...

this is

For You If...

this is

You've been seeking a job outside of the classroom

You want to work from home and have flexible hours 

You love helping others succeed 

You want to make more money

When I let everyone know I'd left teaching to dive into the world of Virtual Assistance, I received a flood of messages from fellow teachers who wanted the lowdown. That's when I decided to build Educator's Exit. Now, I've got teachers from all over who have taken interest in my journey and are inspired enough to make moves of their own!

I tried to push away the feelings of wanting to leave. And I know that in these ways, I’m probably just like you. 

If anyone understands the position you’re in right now, it’s me. I was the teacher that was incredibly eager and excited to start my journey as an educator. I made learning fun for my kids + loved them with everything I had. 

I was also a burnt-out, exhausted teacher that knew there was more to life– Just like you. 


Total Value: $5,000

YOUR PRICE: Only $1,447

My step-by-step guide to building your own biz
Included worksheets to help you brainstorm
Beautifully made templates to sent to your clients
Pre-made files included in Honeybook
5-day a week email support
Monthly community coaching calls
Exclusive discounts to necessary websites
3-month FREE access to exclusive Facebook community

When you purchase the course today, you’ll get access to: 

Let’s get your identity back, shall we?

Teacher bestie,

OR use Affirm/Afterpay to break up your payments!

or join Educator’s Exit

You can sign another teaching contract

The choice is yours: