I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see, xx Rachel


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Discover what teaching skills would be best suited for you to bring into your new Virtual Assistant business

Introducing the roadmap course to take you from stressed-out teacher to living the VA life

Go From Teacher to Virtual Assistant

Become a virtual assistant

 I know teaching is your passion, but that doesn’t mean you have to do it for the rest of your life. Virtual Assistance is the perfect next step for teachers just like you. You have the skills, all you need to do now is take action. 

As A New Virtual Assistant

on how to land clients

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Unlock my 4


Psssttt... IT'S FREE! Save your seat in the next masterclass by clicking below.

Free Tips!

On How To Land Clients As A New Virtual Assistant

Unlock My 4 Best Strategies

Work from home or anywhere in the world (hello travel!)

Have the freedom to do things like run to Target in the middle of the day

Choose your own work hours & take as much time off as you wish

Rediscover happiness by doing the things you truly love to do

Make tons of money, because your skills are actually valued

If you're ready to...

this is for you

Want to revisit some ideas 2 years from now? No problem. Once you’re a student, you’re always a student! 

Lifetime access


Whenever updates or additions are made to the course, you’ll get them completely free. 

Free updates


We’re here to support you throughout this process. If you ever have any questions, we’re just an email away.

Email support


I don’t want you to do this alone. I provide you with helpful guides that will allow you to think more creatively and strategically. 

Brainstorming guides


You don’t have to worry about contracts, welcome packets, questionnaires, or proposals. I’ve got you covered.

Already-made documents


A self-paced course that shows you *exactly* how to set up your business so you’re ready for huge success. I learned how to do it all so you don’t have to.

Step-by-Step Instruction


All that you get 

Olivia P.

Taking the leap of faith to walk away for myself and future family is so hard, but this course has given me the confidence to do so. I have gained skills I never knew I could have and I have created something from the ground up that I am so proud of. Rachel has put hours and so much hard work before us that you can be up and running so fast.

This investment is worth every penny and you quickly see that when you start the course.

Jenn H.

Everything that was put out for Educator's Exit drew me in. I just felt like Rachel was legit. I sat for awhile debating to take the course and I finally just went for it. And even while I was debating, she continued to message me and help me feel good about my decision. I finished in about a month and launched fully after that. Got my first client a week later! Don’t debate, just do it!!

I landed my first client 1 week after launching!

Courtney M.

Rachel encouraged me and took the time to really give me all of the details for starting my virtual assistance business. I left the corporate world with ease, knowing that my career will take a turn for the better. The content provided by Rachel is very thorough and easy to understand which leaves you feeling like you made the best transition. Knowing that I used to work Monday through Friday 8 to 5 and now I only work a few hours a week making double my salary is wild, and I give all the credit to Rachel!

Thanks for Rachel. I get to live a life of freedom! 

Kelly c.

This course is everything, and more, that I have searched for online and haven't been able to find! The attention to detail in this course and the step-by-step process is nothing that you will be able to find anywhere else. Rachel does an amazing job of giving you an array options for ALL the things for what works for you. This course will set you up for success! 

This course is like nothing you will be able to find anywhere else

Lauren W.

Rachel and I connected when I was first beginning my journey as a Virtual Assistant, and she truly came into my life at such a perfect time! Rachel guided me in learning how to begin my business with finding resources, providing her knowledge and skills in how to market myself and how to gain that confidence I needed to continue making leaps in my business. I am so grateful for her support, guidance, and complete kindness in showing me all that I can do in a VA business!

I am so grateful for her support, guidance, and complete kindness

Sarah Z.

Once I started watching and completing the action steps I got so excited and kept watching/working. I am only on module 6 and I feel like I have taken so many steps to making this dream a reality! Before you released this course I kept saying "I need to do that or think about this' to become a VA...Just from starting your course last night, I have done many of those 'need to or think about' tasks!! You have outlined the process in manageable steps!! 

So far this has been EXACTLY what I have needed to jump start my VA career.


You really know how to split the module videos in the perfect sections. I flew through the first two modules quickly because I was so engaged and eager to know and learn more. I love how it’s like you can read my mind and that you have been where I have been and completely understand me as a teacher.

I love how easy the course is to follow along.

Chelsea T.

Wow, where to begin! It’s clear that Rachel has taken the time to really think about this course and all it has to offer. It’s geared toward teachers, but anyone would benefit. The sequence of modules, the content within each module, and the resources are unmatched. She’s a gem and I look forward to what she has to offer next!

I would not be where I am with my business without Rachel!

something for yourself

it's time to Do

Write your next chapter 

I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see, xx Rachel


Hey there!
VIrtual Assistant + Teacher Transition Coach