I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see, xx Rachel


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Discover what teaching skills would be best suited for you to bring into your new Virtual Assistant business

Whether you’re here to find your new business bestie or looking to discover the next path in your career, I want to work with YOU! 

Are you a business owner OR a burnt out teacher?

Let’s be teammates! 

Get ready to reclaim your identity and live the life you truly deserve. As a burnt-out teacher, it's time to rediscover your purpose and unlock a world of new possibilities through virtual assistance

Your teaching struggles end RIGHT NOW 

Have the free time and the energy to do the things you love, alongside of the people you love 

Getting to choose your hours and how much work you want to take on 

Applying the skills that you’ve learned in teaching to an industry that values creativity, organization, communication, and all of those other skills I know you have

Being paid more-than-fairly for your work, which allows you to have the work-life-balance you’ve been craving 

How would it feel to...

after working with me

You’re coming home exhausted and on E every day?

You are trying your best, but always feeling like it’s not enough?

You want to look for jobs outside of education, but don’t know what you’d be qualified for or good at?

You are being overworked, disrespected, undervalued, and underpaid?

Do you feel like?

before working with me

Teacher burn-out

Enter your info below and I’ll send you my best updates and tips. Don’t worry, I only send you the good stuff! 

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Let’s keep in touch!

Let’s be penpals

I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see, xx Rachel


Hey there!
VIrtual Assistant + Teacher Transition Coach