I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see, xx Rachel


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Discover what teaching skills would be best suited for you to bring into your new Virtual Assistant business

Let's team up!

Allowing you to focus on the priorities of your company, and letting me take on the rest.

You Don't have to do it all

Take Me on as your va

Has a never ending checklist & needs help crossing tasks off of the list

Wants to spend more time focusing on the priorities of their company

Needs to fill a position within the company but doesn’t want to pay for insurance, benefits, and a full-time salary

Wants someone to help with the backend work in order for things to run more smoothly

Wants to work with an expert that can be fully trusted with tackling necessary tasks

If you’re a business owner who…

We should work together

  • Course creation
  • Quiz creation
  • Powerpoint presentations
  • Ask me about more potential services 



  • Calendar management
  • Email management
  • Creating weekly newsletters
  • Data entry Clearing other general tasks 


  • Writing detailed blog posts
  • Proofreading/editing
  • Minor website editing 

Website/Blog Management

  • Creating reels & TikToks
  • Photo editing
  • Audience engagement
  • Creating social media content
  • Scheduling content across all platforms
  • Writing captions

Social Media Management


My Services

Skin Muse

She has helped grow our instagram and keeping our followers engaged. She has helped our brand content and awareness. We are very impressed and so happy we found someone we can trust running our social media.

Rachel is AMAZING!

Madysen Media Group

She was my first virtual assistant ever and I couldn’t be more thankful for her work in my business. Not only has Rachel exceeded in every task I’ve given her, but she has also brought new ideas to my business which have ended up bringing in an additional $150,000+ in revenue for my business. Rachel also checks in with me often and ensures that every project she works on is exactly how I envisioned it. I couldn’t recommend her more and I’m so grateful for her role in my business.

Rachel goes above and beyond in every aspect of being my VA


Rachel was super helpful in helping us complete tasks within our Operations Workflow like creating and scheduling emails, managing and posting to social media, and managing and organizing client documents and folders. She is professional and willing to ask and learn so she can do the best job that she can possibly do (always with a great attitude!). If you are in need to offload some tasks off or your plate, Rachel is your girl!

If you are in need to offload tasks, Rachel is your girl! 

LightBridge International 

She is such a valuable part of our marketing and communication team. She is creative, thoughtful and brings a level of professionalism to our team that reflects well on our overall organization!

We are so thankful to have Rachel as a part of our team!

Jerry Newman

I needed blog posts for a new website/brand that I am launching and Rachel was able to deliver exactly what I needed. She is a great writer and I will have her write many more blogs in the near future! Thanks Rachel!

Rachel was able to deliver exactly what I needed! 

Great Pair?

Think we’d be a

I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see, xx Rachel


Hey there!
VIrtual Assistant + Teacher Transition Coach