I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see, xx Rachel


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Discover what teaching skills would be best suited for you to bring into your new Virtual Assistant business


After discovering what was missing in my life during my teaching career, I took the leap and built my Virtual Assistant business from scratch. Now, my mission is clear: I'm dedicated to helping other exhausted educators reclaim the fulfilling life they truly deserve.

I help burnt-out teachers write the next chapter of their story

I bet you can relate, friend.

I always wanted to teach. In fact, my mom bought me an overhead projector for a Christmas gift when I was in elementary school. 

I went from Teacher of the Year to leaving the classroom mid-year 

A bit about me

It was my dream, and will always remain a passion of mine. But when I watched as my identity was slipping away from my grasp and into the hands of the broken education system, I knew I had to make a change. I owed it to myself to get my life back, and that’s when I started my Virtual Assistant business. 

holds two degrees


Been in nine weddings


owner of one Cute pup


Traveled to sixteen countries


Lived in three different states


About The girl behind the laptop

5 quick things

Helper to my core. Empath to a fault. Lover of people & believer in doing good.

Enneagram 2 

My husband and I welcomed our sweet Wy girl in February of 2023 and we have been beyond obsessed ever since. I mean… Look at this face!

Sweet Wylie

Activity & exercise have become a huge part of my life and I make it a priority to move my body every single day!

I’m movin’ and groovin’

My husband Cam and I got married in May of 2022. The mountains of Asheville, NC did not disappoint one bit

I do 

 I am my happiest when I’m on the lake. Growing up in Michigan, being on the water is simply in my blood. 

Lake life 

next chapter of your story?

Are you ready to Write The

Hey Teachers!

I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see, xx Rachel


Hey there!
VIrtual Assistant + Teacher Transition Coach