I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see, xx Rachel


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Discover what teaching skills would be best suited for you to bring into your new Virtual Assistant business

All of this
is for you


I've created a course that helps teachers become thriving Virtual Assistants, and they're beyond eager to perform above and beyond for you and your company.

Find a VA

Discover what teaching skills would be best suited for you to bring into your new Virtual Assistant business!

Pssst... It's FREE and only takes 2 minutes!

Free Quiz

Interested in the industry of Virtual Assistance but have no idea where to start? In this FREE masterclass, you'll learn all about what Virtual Assistance is, how to get started, and proven strategies to land high-ticket clients.

Free Masterclass!


The good stuff

The Blog

Tips & Advice

Introducing the roadmap course to take you from stressed-out teacher to living the VA life

Go From Teacher to Virtual Assistant

Become a virtual assistant

 I know teaching is your passion, but that doesn’t mean you have to do it for the rest of your life. Virtual Assistance is the perfect next step for teachers just like you. You have the skills, all you need to do now is take action. 

Later - Schedule your clients' social media posts across all platforms 
ClickUp - Create your virtual checklist while keeping your clients organized
Squarespace - The BEST and easiest platform to build your website 
Honeybook - Get FREE, premade smart files when you enroll in Educator's Exit 
Canva - This is a VA's holy grail. I highly recommend signing up for Canva Pro!
Pinterest - Get all of your business inspo here! Don't forget to follow me!
Tezza - My favorite photo editing tool for aesthetically pleasing posts
Styled Stock Society - My favorite website to get amazing stock photos 
Unsplash - Another great website to get stock photos, but for free!
Creative Market - Your one-stop-shop for all things branding!
Interact - Wow your clients with this quiz creator they'll LOVE! 
Showit - Get fancy with your website and design it on Showit! Get your first month free using this link or code 'EDUCATORSEXIT'

Tools & Resources

My favorite

Enter your info below and I’ll send you my best updates and tips. Don’t worry, I only send you the good stuff! 

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I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see, xx Rachel


Hey there!
VIrtual Assistant + Teacher Transition Coach