I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see, xx Rachel


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Teacher Truths + Teacher Transition Motivation

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There has been a mass exodus in the education world since the start of the pandemic, myself being among those that marched out of a career I thought I would be in for decades. It’s not an easy choice, made in a moment of frustration or panic… but a build up over years (or decades, […]

7 Reasons Teachers are Leaving the Classroom

Quitting Teaching

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Virtual Assistant + Teacher Transition Coach

I left the classroom in 2022 to pursue the world of Virtual Assistance. After experiencing huge success, teachers from all over the world wanted to find out how in the heck I did it. Now, I’m coaching burnt-out educators on how to do it themselves.

I went from Teacher of the Year to leaving the classroom mid-year


I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see, xx Rachel


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VIrtual Assistant + Teacher Transition Coach