I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see, xx Rachel


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Discover what teaching skills would be best suited for you to bring into your new Virtual Assistant business

Rachel gibbs  Teacher Transition Coach

It’s time to apply your many skills to a career outside of those school walls, friend. Together, we’re going to pick up the pencil and start writing the next chapter of your story.

We’ll title it, “Life After Teaching.”

write their next chapter 

Helping burnt-out teachers

Interested in the industry of Virtual Assistance but have no idea where to start? Don’t worry– I got you, boo. In this masterclass, I’m going to be telling you all about what Virtual Assistance is, how to get started, and proven strategies to land high-ticket clients.  Did I mention it’s completely FREE?

Free Masterclass

Come hang with me in a

Rachel here! I left the classroom in 2022 to pursue the world of Virtual Assistance. After experiencing huge success, teachers from all over the world wanted to find out how in the heck I did it. Now, I’m coaching burnt-out educators on how to do it themselves.

I’m a former Teacher, Virtual Assistant, and Teacher Transition Coach

Hey bestie! 

I’d love to tell you about the things that make me, me!

Behind Rachel Gibbs, VA, is just Rachel Gibbs! Well, not "just"-- There's actually a lot more to me than a girl who posts about transitioning out of education.

I’m an advocate of us all being good humans, wannabe pickleball pro, and lover of reality TV. 

I’m Rachel!

Let's Have Some Teacher Real Talk

The Blog

Featured Image of a blog about podcast episodes for female entrepreneurs

Transiting from the classroom to a full-time Virtual Assistant and entrepreneur has been quite the journey. As I began building my business, I realized that there was SO MUCH to learn as an entrepreneur, and, because I’m a Millennial to my core, I turned to podcasts to help answer my unresolved questions. Podcasts have always […]

Virtual Assistant talking about starting a side job

The best part about being a Virtual Assistant is setting your schedule and deciding how much or how little you want to work. So while some of my coaching students plan to turn virtual assistance into their full-time job, many plan on doing it as a side job. Sometimes, a total career overhaul isn’t an […]

next chapter of your story?

Are you ready to Write The

Hey Teachers!

I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see, xx Rachel


Hey there!
VIrtual Assistant + Teacher Transition Coach